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Corporate Social Responsibility

We are committed to practice  good corporate governance, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible in order to create a thriving and resilient business for our employees and the communities in which we live and work.

Corporate Governance
Operate with Principle

At Acot, Our Board of Directors is focused on putting ethical practices in line with local laws and regulations to drive performance. We believe that operating with integrity is critical to delivering high quality products.

We are committed to anti-bribery , anti-corruption, ethical marketing and protecting our customers’ data. We seek to take disciplinary and/or legal action against those found to have committed the above mentioned activities.

Environmental Sustainable
Protect the Planet

Ensure our management and staff are aware of the environmental impact of their business decisions and actions, and to reduce the environmental impact of our operations and parts we produce.

Where possible , we seek to minimize waste generation, water conservation , and our overall emissions profile, So as to enhance our position on Environmental Health and Safety management (EHS ) to safe – guard the people in and around our workplaces.

Social Responsible
Invest in our Communities

We recognize the need to support the communities in which we live and work.  

Each year, we contribute to non-profit causes in our communities and encourage employee volunteerism.

We focus on acute disaster relief , education and local community engagement. 

Helping to improve the place where we do business has a positive impact on everything we do.

No.13, Malong Road, Huli District, Xiamen 361006, Fujian,China
D&B D-U-N-S: 544769243
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